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Yield Farming - Part 3

In Part 3 of the Yield Farming course, we will wrap up the Yield Farming series by learning to implement basic functionalities for “Lock Yield Farming”: deposit and withdraw.



Total Length


Part of Learning Track

Build on Ethereum + 1

What You’ll Learn

Implementation of functionalities for “Lock Yield Farming”, including depositWithLock and withdrawal of locked funds withdrawLocked. Refinement of LoanLibrary.


Calculate Lock Interest

In this unit, we will learn how to implement the calculateLockedInterest function, which is essential for calculating the interest on locked deposits.

DepositWithLock - Section 1

We will define a data structure that effectively represents the bankbook information for each user.

DepositWithLock - Section 2

This section focuses on writing a function that enables users to lock their deposits.

DepositWithLock - Section 3

We will learn how to define the mappings necessary to store information about locked deposits and how to emit a successful deposit event.

WithdrawLocked - Section 1

The focus here is on implementing the withdrawLocked function, which will allow users to retrieve their locked deposits along with the accrued interest.

WithdrawLocked - Section 2

Calculate the total withdrawal amount in this section.

WithdrawLocked - Section 3

We will develop and implement the logic required to delete lock information from the system.

WithdrawLocked - Section 4

The final section completes the withdrawal logic, encompassing all necessary steps to process withdrawals from locked deposits.